2 Chronicles

Chapter 11

1 And when Rehoboam7346 was come935 to Jerusalem,3389 he gathered6950 853 of the house1004 of Judah3063 and Benjamin1144 a hundred3967 and fourscore8084 thousand505 chosen977 men, which were warriors,6213 4421 to fight3898 against5973 Israel,3478 that he might bring7725 853 the kingdom4467 again to Rehoboam.7346

2 But the word1697 of the LORD3068 came1961 to413 Shemaiah8098 the man376 of God,430 saying,559

3 Speak559 unto413 Rehoboam7346 the son1121 of Solomon,8010 king4428 of Judah,3063 and to413 all3605 Israel3478 in Judah3063 and Benjamin,1144 saying,559

4 Thus3541 saith559 the LORD,3068 Ye shall not3808 go up,5927 nor3808 fight3898 against5973 your brethren:251 return7725 every man376 to his house:1004 for3588 this2088 thing1697 is done1961 of4480 854 me. And they obeyed8085 853 the words1697 of the LORD,3068 and returned7725 from going4480 1980 against413 Jeroboam.3379

5 And Rehoboam7346 dwelt3427 in Jerusalem,3389 and built1129 cities5892 for defense4692 in Judah.3063

6 He built1129 even853 Bethlehem,1035 and Etam,5862 and Tekoa,8620

7 And Beth-zur,1049 and Shoco,7755 and Adullam,5725

8 And Gath,1661 and Mareshah,4762 and Ziph,2128

9 And Adoraim,115 and Lachish,3923 and Azekah,5825

10 And Zorah,6681 and Aijalon,357 and Hebron,2275 which834 are in Judah3063 and in Benjamin1144 fenced4694 cities.5892

11 And he fortified2388 853 the strongholds,4694 and put5414 captains5057 in them, and store214 of victual,3978 and of oil8081 and wine.3196

12 And in every3605 several city5892 5892 he put shields6793 and spears,7420 and made them exceeding strong,2388 7235 3966 having1961 Judah3063 and Benjamin1144 on his side.

13 And the priests3548 and the Levites3881 that834 were in all3605 Israel3478 resorted3320 to5921 him out of all4480 3605 their coasts.1366

14 For3588 the Levites3881 left5800 853 their suburbs4054 and their possession,272 and came1980 to Judah3063 and Jerusalem:3389 for3588 Jeroboam3379 and his sons1121 had cast them off2186 from executing the priest's office4480 3547 unto the LORD: 3068

15 And he ordained5975 him priests3548 for the high places,1116 and for the devils,8163 and for the calves5695 which834 he had made.6213

16 And after310 them out of all4480 3605 the tribes7626 of Israel3478 such as set5414 853 their hearts3824 to seek1245 853 the LORD3068 God430 of Israel3478 came935 to Jerusalem,3389 to sacrifice2076 unto the LORD3068 God430 of their fathers.1

17 So they strengthened2388 853 the kingdom4438 of Judah,3063 and made853 Rehoboam7346 the son1121 of Solomon8010 strong,553 three7969 years:8141 for3588 three7969 years8141 they walked1980 in the way1870 of David1732 and Solomon.8010

18 And Rehoboam7346 took3947 him853 Mahalath4258 the daughter1323 of Jerimoth3406 the son1121 of David1732 to wife,802 and Abihail32 the daughter1323 of Eliab446 the son1121 of Jesse;3448

19 Which bore3205 him children;1121 853 Jeush,3266 and Shamariah,8114 and Zaham.2093

20 And after310 her he took3947 853 Maachah4601 the daughter1323 of Absalom;53 which bore3205 him853 Abijah,29 and Attai,6262 and Ziza,2124 and Shelomith.8019

21 And Rehoboam7346 loved157 853 Maachah4601 the daughter1323 of Absalom53 above all4480 3605 his wives802 and his concubines:6370 (for3588 he took5375 eighteen8083 6240 wives,802 and threescore8346 concubines;6370 and begot3205 twenty6242 and eight8083 sons,1121 and threescore8346 daughters.)1323

22 And Rehoboam7346 made5975 853 Abijah29 the son1121 of Maachah4601 the chief,7218 to be ruler5057 among his brethren:251 for3588 he thought to make him king.4427

23 And he dealt wisely,995 and dispersed6555 of all4480 3605 his children1121 throughout all3605 the countries776 of Judah3063 and Benjamin,1144 unto every3605 fenced4694 city:5892 and he gave5414 them victual4202 in abundance.7230 And he desired7592 many1995 wives.802



1 羅波暗至耶路撒冷、則招猶大全家、便雅憫支派、計簡練之卒、十有八萬、欲與以色列族戰、以復國祚。

2 上帝命其僕示罵雅曰、

3 當告猶大王所羅門子自羅波暗、及猶大便雅憫地所居之以色列族、曰、

4 耶和華云、此我所使、爾毋往與以色列族戰、各歸故土。民從耶和華命而歸、不攻耶羅破暗。

5 羅波暗居耶路撒冷、在猶大地建邑垣、

6 卽伯利恒、以淡、提哥亞、

7 伯夙、鎖哥、亞土蘭、

8 迦特、馬哩沙、西弗、

9 亞多勑音、拉吉、亞西加、

10 鎖喇、亞耶倫、希伯倫、此邑在猶大便雅憫地、

11 使其邑強盛、立武士長、廣貯食物油酒、

12 旣得便雅憫猶大二族歸己、則置干戈於諸邑、愈爲鞏固。

13 遍以色列地之利未人及祭司、俱歸羅波暗。

14 利未人見絕於耶羅破暗及其子、不許爲祭司、奉事耶和華、故離其邑郊、舍其田里、至耶路撒冷及猶大地。

15 耶羅破暗擅立祭司、在諸崇坵、奉事魑魅、及所作犢像。

16 以色列支派中、凡一心求其列祖之上帝耶和華而獻祭者、皆從利未人至耶路撒冷。

17 助所羅門子羅波暗、鞏固猶大國、歷至三年、循從大闢所羅門之道。

18 羅波暗娶大闢子耶哩末女馬哈喇、亦娶耶西子以利押女亞庇孩、

19 生子耶是、沙馬哩、撒罕。

20 更娶押沙龍女馬迦、生亞庇雅、亞太、西撒、示羅密。

21 羅波暗娶后妃十八、嬪嬙六十、生子二十八人、女六十人。押沙龍女馬迦爲羅波暗所愛、寵冠後宮、

22 立其子亞庇雅爲太子、尊於昆弟間、將繼其位。

23 羅波暗多內寵、善處衆庶子、俱厚賜而遣之、使在猶大便雅憫諸邑中。

2 Chronicles

Chapter 11



1 And when Rehoboam7346 was come935 to Jerusalem,3389 he gathered6950 853 of the house1004 of Judah3063 and Benjamin1144 a hundred3967 and fourscore8084 thousand505 chosen977 men, which were warriors,6213 4421 to fight3898 against5973 Israel,3478 that he might bring7725 853 the kingdom4467 again to Rehoboam.7346

1 羅波暗至耶路撒冷、則招猶大全家、便雅憫支派、計簡練之卒、十有八萬、欲與以色列族戰、以復國祚。

2 But the word1697 of the LORD3068 came1961 to413 Shemaiah8098 the man376 of God,430 saying,559

2 上帝命其僕示罵雅曰、

3 Speak559 unto413 Rehoboam7346 the son1121 of Solomon,8010 king4428 of Judah,3063 and to413 all3605 Israel3478 in Judah3063 and Benjamin,1144 saying,559

3 當告猶大王所羅門子自羅波暗、及猶大便雅憫地所居之以色列族、曰、

4 Thus3541 saith559 the LORD,3068 Ye shall not3808 go up,5927 nor3808 fight3898 against5973 your brethren:251 return7725 every man376 to his house:1004 for3588 this2088 thing1697 is done1961 of4480 854 me. And they obeyed8085 853 the words1697 of the LORD,3068 and returned7725 from going4480 1980 against413 Jeroboam.3379

4 耶和華云、此我所使、爾毋往與以色列族戰、各歸故土。民從耶和華命而歸、不攻耶羅破暗。

5 And Rehoboam7346 dwelt3427 in Jerusalem,3389 and built1129 cities5892 for defense4692 in Judah.3063

5 羅波暗居耶路撒冷、在猶大地建邑垣、

6 He built1129 even853 Bethlehem,1035 and Etam,5862 and Tekoa,8620

6 卽伯利恒、以淡、提哥亞、

7 And Beth-zur,1049 and Shoco,7755 and Adullam,5725

7 伯夙、鎖哥、亞土蘭、

8 And Gath,1661 and Mareshah,4762 and Ziph,2128

8 迦特、馬哩沙、西弗、

9 And Adoraim,115 and Lachish,3923 and Azekah,5825

9 亞多勑音、拉吉、亞西加、

10 And Zorah,6681 and Aijalon,357 and Hebron,2275 which834 are in Judah3063 and in Benjamin1144 fenced4694 cities.5892

10 鎖喇、亞耶倫、希伯倫、此邑在猶大便雅憫地、

11 And he fortified2388 853 the strongholds,4694 and put5414 captains5057 in them, and store214 of victual,3978 and of oil8081 and wine.3196

11 使其邑強盛、立武士長、廣貯食物油酒、

12 And in every3605 several city5892 5892 he put shields6793 and spears,7420 and made them exceeding strong,2388 7235 3966 having1961 Judah3063 and Benjamin1144 on his side.

12 旣得便雅憫猶大二族歸己、則置干戈於諸邑、愈爲鞏固。

13 And the priests3548 and the Levites3881 that834 were in all3605 Israel3478 resorted3320 to5921 him out of all4480 3605 their coasts.1366

13 遍以色列地之利未人及祭司、俱歸羅波暗。

14 For3588 the Levites3881 left5800 853 their suburbs4054 and their possession,272 and came1980 to Judah3063 and Jerusalem:3389 for3588 Jeroboam3379 and his sons1121 had cast them off2186 from executing the priest's office4480 3547 unto the LORD: 3068

14 利未人見絕於耶羅破暗及其子、不許爲祭司、奉事耶和華、故離其邑郊、舍其田里、至耶路撒冷及猶大地。

15 And he ordained5975 him priests3548 for the high places,1116 and for the devils,8163 and for the calves5695 which834 he had made.6213

15 耶羅破暗擅立祭司、在諸崇坵、奉事魑魅、及所作犢像。

16 And after310 them out of all4480 3605 the tribes7626 of Israel3478 such as set5414 853 their hearts3824 to seek1245 853 the LORD3068 God430 of Israel3478 came935 to Jerusalem,3389 to sacrifice2076 unto the LORD3068 God430 of their fathers.1

16 以色列支派中、凡一心求其列祖之上帝耶和華而獻祭者、皆從利未人至耶路撒冷。

17 So they strengthened2388 853 the kingdom4438 of Judah,3063 and made853 Rehoboam7346 the son1121 of Solomon8010 strong,553 three7969 years:8141 for3588 three7969 years8141 they walked1980 in the way1870 of David1732 and Solomon.8010

17 助所羅門子羅波暗、鞏固猶大國、歷至三年、循從大闢所羅門之道。

18 And Rehoboam7346 took3947 him853 Mahalath4258 the daughter1323 of Jerimoth3406 the son1121 of David1732 to wife,802 and Abihail32 the daughter1323 of Eliab446 the son1121 of Jesse;3448

18 羅波暗娶大闢子耶哩末女馬哈喇、亦娶耶西子以利押女亞庇孩、

19 Which bore3205 him children;1121 853 Jeush,3266 and Shamariah,8114 and Zaham.2093

19 生子耶是、沙馬哩、撒罕。

20 And after310 her he took3947 853 Maachah4601 the daughter1323 of Absalom;53 which bore3205 him853 Abijah,29 and Attai,6262 and Ziza,2124 and Shelomith.8019

20 更娶押沙龍女馬迦、生亞庇雅、亞太、西撒、示羅密。

21 And Rehoboam7346 loved157 853 Maachah4601 the daughter1323 of Absalom53 above all4480 3605 his wives802 and his concubines:6370 (for3588 he took5375 eighteen8083 6240 wives,802 and threescore8346 concubines;6370 and begot3205 twenty6242 and eight8083 sons,1121 and threescore8346 daughters.)1323

21 羅波暗娶后妃十八、嬪嬙六十、生子二十八人、女六十人。押沙龍女馬迦爲羅波暗所愛、寵冠後宮、

22 And Rehoboam7346 made5975 853 Abijah29 the son1121 of Maachah4601 the chief,7218 to be ruler5057 among his brethren:251 for3588 he thought to make him king.4427

22 立其子亞庇雅爲太子、尊於昆弟間、將繼其位。

23 And he dealt wisely,995 and dispersed6555 of all4480 3605 his children1121 throughout all3605 the countries776 of Judah3063 and Benjamin,1144 unto every3605 fenced4694 city:5892 and he gave5414 them victual4202 in abundance.7230 And he desired7592 many1995 wives.802

23 羅波暗多內寵、善處衆庶子、俱厚賜而遣之、使在猶大便雅憫諸邑中。